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The Nick Newbery
Photo Collection
The collection
Photo Usage
Birds, Animals and Hunting
Apex 1987-2004
Nanook School Fire 1992
'Map of the Human Heart' film set 1990
‘Kabloona’ film set 1993
Arctic Bay 2004
Cape Dorset 2004 and 2014
Cape Dorset-Kinngait Studios 2004
Cape Dorset 2014
Chesterfield Inlet 2004
Gjoa Haven 2014
Grise Fiord 1984-2004
Grise Fiord
Grise Fiord-kayaking-Larry Audlaluk 1994
Hall Beach 2004
Igloolik 2004
Iqaluit 1-General 1986-2005
Iqaluit 2-Buildings 1986-2013
Major Buildings
USAF Upper Base Radar Site (approx.1957-63)
Nunavut Arctic College
Joamie School Fire 2003
St.Jude's Anglican Cathedral 1985-2013
Graveyards 1980-2014
Nunavut Legislative Assembly 1998-2003
NTI Carving-Igluvut Building 2013
Iqaluit 3-Around Town-Places 1986-2005
Iqaluit-Around Town-Places
USAF Debris from Airport & Radar Site 1942-1963
Sylvia Grinnell River Kayaking Northern Summer Games Competition 1988
Iqaluit 4-Around Town-People 1986-2005
Kimmirut 1987-2003
Summer 1987-2003
Winter 1987-2003
Kugaaruk 2004
Kugluktuk 2004
Nanisivik 2004
Pangnirtung 1980-82, 1995, 2004, 2011
Summer 1980-82
Winter 1980-82
Kekerten Whaling Station 1980
Old Snowmobile 1980
Rainbow 1981
HBC Whaling Station 1981 and 2004
Tapestry Making-Uqqurmiut Centre 1993 on
Pangnirtung-Qikiqtarjuaq Plane Trip 1995
Pangnirtung 2011
Pond Inlet 2000
Qikiqtarjuaq 1982-5, 2004
Qikiqtarjuaq 1982-85
Cape Dyer DEW Line Station 1983
Rankin Inlet 2004
Resolute Bay 1994 and 2002
Sanikiluaq 2004
Taloyoak 1976-80, 2004
Spence Bay-Taloyoak 1976-80
Keeveok School 1976-80
Building of the airstrip and military aircraft visits 1977-80
Hunting Trip with Inuk Charlie and Nauyuk Ugyuk 1977
Spring Games 1978-79
Anglican Church and Andrew Atagotaaluk's Family
Taloyoak 2004 & 2014
Auyuittuq National Park (between Pangnirtung & Qikiqtarjuaq) 1980-95
Auyuittuq Park-Snowmobile Trip 1981
Auyuittuq Park-Hiking Trip 1981
Auyuittuq Park-Arctic Circle Marker 1981
Auyuittuq Park-Aerial 1995 and 2014
Katannilik Territorial Park 1987-2003
Katannilik Park (between Iqaluit and Kimmirut in South Baffin)-Aerial
Katannilik Park 2000
Qaummaarviit Historic Park 1987-2003
Qaummaarviit Historic Park (near Iqaluit)
Qaummaarviit Park-Dogteam Trips 1987-2003
Kekerten Historic Park 1980
Fort Ross and Thom Bay with Ernie Lyall 1977
Cresswell Bay-Kuganayuk with Andrew Atagotaaluk 1978
Cresswell Bay with Andrew Atagotaaluk 1978 to visit his family outpost camp
Cresswell Bay-Kuganayuk 2002
Beechey Island (Franklin wintered over in 1845-86) 1990 and 2002
Devon Island, Alexandra Fiord and Skraeling Island 1990
Truelove, Devon Island (Government Research Centre)
Alexandra Fiord
Skraeling Island
The I.T.C. 1979 Plane Crash
Pangnirtung-Qikiqtarjuaq Plane Trip 1995
Resolution Island Trip 1997 (with Ed Picco and Ben Ell & Family)
Frobisher Bay Plane Trips 1997 and 2002
Kimmirut Area Hunt with Mosha Akavak 1998
Dundas Harbour, Devon Island 2000
Kadlunarn Island 1999 and 2004
Lok's Land Trip 2004
Lok's Land Trip
Caribou Butchering
Seal Butchering
Polar Bears
Mother Bear and Cubs
Duck Hatchery, Honeymoon Island, Frobisher Bay
Mirages, Frobisher Bay
Floe Edge Trip with RCMP Jimmy Akavak 2007
Shiptime 1976-2004
Shiptime (annual re-supply to communities)
Joshua Kango and Coastguard-Icebreaker Louis St.Laurent 1999
Christmas 1982-2003
Toonik Tyme 1986-2004
Toonik Tyme-General
Toonik Tyme Dogteam Races 1987-2003
Annual Canada Day, Iqaluit 1987-2003, Nunavut Day 1999-2003
Military Aircraft Visits 1977-2003
Nunavut Land Claim Agreement 1993
Nunavut Land Claim Agreement 1993 (from negatives)
Akavak Family Trek from Kimmirut to Iqaluit 1997
First Nunavut Election, Iqaluit, February 1999
Creation of Nunavut, Iqaluit, 1 April 1999
Midnight Fireworks
Nunavut Art Show
Presentation of New Mace
The People's Party
First Sitting of Nunavut Legislative Assembly-Inuksuk High School-1 April 1999
Swearing-In Ceremonies
Forward Operating Location Protocol Show
Creation of RCMP V Division
Nunavut Flag
Order of Nunavut Awards 2013
Perseverance Awards 2014
Inuit Naming Project 2014
Men's Activities 1986-2005
Women's Activities 1986-2005
Bibian Neeveavuq 2004
Kids and Elders 1977-2000
Kids 1976-2011
Terry Fox Program 1986-2003
The Terry Fox Program
Terry Fox Program-Kimmirut Visits 1987-2003
TFP-Last Hunting Trip 2003
Archeological Dig, Peterhead Inlet near Iqaluit, 1995
Inuit Art & Artifacts 1976-2011
Carving 1976-2010
Camping 1987-2004
Making Fur Clothing 1986-2005
Fur Clothing 1986-2005
Caribou Skin Clothing-Pangnirtung 1981
White Amoutiit 1984-2004
Kamiit on Line 1984
Beaded Amoutiit 1999
Laymakee Kakkee & Dogteam 1982-85
Dogs and Dogteams-Iqaluit
Toonik Tyme Dogteam Races-Iqaluit
Qaummaarviit Park Dogteam Trips
Games 1976-2003
Inuit Games
Inuit Games-B&W Prints and Negatives (see separate listing in Section 10) 1989
String Games 1986-2003
Grass Baskets-Sanikiluaq 2004
Igloos 1977-99
Inuksuit 1980-2003
Music, Song and Dance
Accordeon Playing 1986-2011
Inuktitut Dancing 1987
Drum-Dancing 1976-2000
Throat-Singing-Iqaluit 1990s
Inuit Youth Showcase-Inuksuk High School, Iqaluit 1997
Taluq Designs-Taloyoak 2004
Pottery-Rankin Inlet 2004
Printmaking-Cape Dorset 2004, Pangnirtung 1981 & 2011
Qarmait-Resolute Bay 1993 & 2004
Qulliit 1977-2004
Seals, Sealskins and Rope 1983-2004
Seaweed Gathering 1984
Tattooing-Taloyoak 1975 & 2004
Travel 1994 & 2004
Boat 1984-98
Snowmobile 1977-2004
Bombardier 2004
Wallhangings 1980-2009
Birds, Animals and Hunting
Arctic Hare 1990
Bears-Qikiqtarjuaq 1984
Bear-Resolution Island 1997
Bear-Kadlunarn Island Area 1999
Bear-Lok's Land 2004
Mother Bear & Cubs 2004
Butterflies 1995
Caribou & Caribou Hunting 1977-2005
Caribou-Small Groups
Caribou-in Town 1990s
Caribou Hunting 1977-97
Foxes and Trapping 1977-95
Gyrfalcon Chick
Fishing 1976-2003
Lemming 1993
Muskoxen 1990 & 2004
Fulmarus glacialis 1990
Ptarmigan & Ptarmigan Hunting 1990-2003
Raven 1991
Seals and Seal Hunting 1976-80
Seal Hunting-Spence Bay-Taloyoak 1976-80
Seal Hunting-Qikiqtarjuaq 1982-85
Seal Hunting-Grise Fiord 2004
Seal Butchering-Loks Land 2004
Snow Buntings 2003
Arctic Tern 1990
Walrus 1990-2004
Weasel 1990
Whales & Narwhal Butchering 1980-97
Alpine Bilberry
Arctic Poppy
Bladder Campion
Cotton Grass
Labrador Tea
Moss Campion
Mountain Avens
Mountain Fleabane
Prickly Saxifrage
Purple Saxifrage
Willow Herb
General Flora
Fall Colours
Ice & Sky
Ice and Icebergs
Ice 1984-2002
Ice Particles 1996
Icebergs 1984-2004
Pressure Ice 1990s
Polynyas 1997
Ice Cave 1983
Northern Lights 1999
Sun Dogs 1976
Arctic Suns and Mirages 1976-97
Black and White Prints
Igloo Building 1989
Igloo Building 1989 (High resolution)
Inuit Games 1989
Inuit Games 1989-Selection: High Resolution (all names L to R)
Birds, Animals and Hunting
Raven 1991
1. Raven
Iqaluit raven 1
Raven 1991
Small 400
Medium 800
Large 1200
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